What’s with lying?

Joseph got caught in yet another lie last night. This time, it was a simple question and he out and out lied. He had a glass of apple juice and I asked him, in no specific tone or anything, if it was 1/2 and 1/2. We make him drink 1/2 juice 1/2 water because of the sugar content.

In any case, it wasn’t but he said it was! Why?!?!?! I knew it wasn’t because it was too dark. So, he got caught, had to put away the apple juice and drink nothing but water the rest of the night.

We had a whole discussion with him about lying. We re-explained that if he’d told the truth, the consequence would have been to pour out 1/2 and fill with water. But, in his case, he answered incorrectly and he had to put it all away. Was that better? So, then we did some examples.

Did you brush your teeth last night? Yes. Did you floss? You could just see he wanted to say yes, because he knows he’s supposed to. But, he said ‘no’.

We explained how if he lies, we can’t trust him. No trust to play with friends by himself. No trust to brush his teeth by himself. No trust in reading a book. No trust, no trust, no trust.

I think he got the hint. A bit later, he asked me to ask him some more truth questions. I asked a few and he answered honestly.

He’s still undergoing his punishment with his bike. He and Will “cleaned” them up yesterday. Will got a new bike and was riding around the road, yard, etc. and Joseph didn’t even get on his. Just polished it up.

He’s taking his punishment very well. He’s matured quite a bit in the last 6-7 months. Hopefully that’ll translate well to school in the fall.