Fickle girls!

As told to me by Ron…
“The hardwoods guys came this morning and I hadn’t even brought the girls downstairs yet. So, I got Abby, got her setup for some breakfast and went to get Em. The whole time, they were setting up and getting ready to start the work.

During their breakfast, the guys are banging away making all sorts of noise and the girls are just watching them as if this was totally normal.”

Later, he put them in baby jail and before he had a chance to get their swings and bottles, Abby conked out.

“Abby fell asleep just like that, on the floor. Em was starting to go to sleep, so I tried to very quietly go get the camera. While I was, em crawled over to Abby and sort of laid down behind her and was patting her on the back. That would have made an awesome picture. Instead, Em saw me and got up, instead.”

“Then, after all that racket, napping through it and not getting upset at any of the strangers in the house, the cleaning ladies came. The one lady said ‘hi’ to Abby and she burst into tears, the sad sad face and everything. Eventually, he cleaning lady walked away and said ‘what, does she think I’m ugly?'” 😉

Abby (and Em) tend to do this, but Abby does it to this one particular cleaning lady almost *every* time. Haven’t a clue why, but it never fails. She’s a perfectly nice looking woman, never approaches the girls with tools in her hands or anything, but Abby always, without fail, freaks out. 🙂