The girls are 11 months old!

Abby and Emily are 11 months old today! My how time flies! Let’s see… what are they doing these days?

-crawling, pulling up and even standing without holding! Abby more than Em will walk along furniture, too.
-clapping (that’s new in just the last few days)
-talking incessantly… dada, mama, baba (that’s baby for brother), bye, hey, plus a host of other goofy sounds. Abby in particular likes to just babble away.
-waving bye bye or hello (take your pick)
-going to sleep (at night) on their own
-sleeping (mostly) through the night
-eating only table foods (no baby foods for my babies!). Their favorites are breads (wheat or waffles) that they can take little, itty, bitty bites out of.
-Emily has 5 teeth, Abby has 4
-LOVE(!) to swing in the park swings and to take stroller rides
-still nursing 3-4 times per day
-drinking cow’s milk 1 time per day
-they love their brother incredibly and love it when he plays with them (which I think, in turn, builds his self confidence!)
-wear 18 month size clothes! How’d that happen with preemie babies?!?!

I’m sure there is more, but for 11 months, that’s pretty awesome! One more month and they will be 1! 🙁

Then it’ll be party time!