Going home today!

Despite early indications that her feedings were progressing well, Abby decided to throw-up a couple more times and thus we were all concerned that the pyloris was still swollen. This is very normal and given her recovery was slow from the very beginning, was not unexpected.

But, it did delay our departure.

Strangely enough, the resident surgeon was willing to leave it up to us as to whether we left or not, but I was very uncomfortable with that decision. So, we waited until the surgeon himself could get to us … about 9:30pm last night and he agreed we should wait until morning and give Abby the night to get situated with her eating.

So, that’s what we did. And, at 10pm, she downed, chugged, sucked down, whatever term you can use for acting starved, 2 full ounces and kept it down except for a minor spit at 1am.

Then, at 5am, she downed another 2oz and it is still down. We did experience what is TURE reflux on that one. Just a minor “spit” right after the feeding — part of the burping. Ron got the bulk of it, but it was NOT for any other reason than normal reflux. Yeah! What a goofy thing to be excited about. 🙂

Pediatrician came in this morning and is working on the orders to get us outta here. Once the surgeon makes his rounds, we are good to go!

We’ve been forwarned, however, that Abby could in fact throw-up numerous times in the next week as the muscle gets itself into the correct place and her stomach and digestive systems begin working properly again. Oh fun!