Slow recovery

Yesterday was a day of trial and error. Abby is very very very sleepy and truly does not yet want to eat. At this point, she doesn’t even try really.

The protocol was 2 hours after surgey: 1oz of Pedialyte (nasty tasting stuff), then 2 hours after that, 1oz of breastmilk, then 2 hours later — anything she wanted.

Well, here is how it has gone. 5 hours after surgery: 15cc of Pedialyte. 3 hours later: 10cc of Pedialyte. 1 hr later, everything came back up.

9:00pm (10 hours after surgery), 1oz of breastmilk. 2 hours later, minor spit-up. Yeah! 12:30 am, everything came back up. Boo!

1:00 am – 7cc of breastmilk and nothing has yet to come back up.

So far today though, nothing. She seems to be a little more alert and getting to be more awake, but she is still not interested in eating. She’s still on an iv, so she’s getting plenty of nurishment & fluids, just not through her tummy.

Until she starts eating on demand, we’re not going home. 🙁 But, if she’s not eating, we definately don’t want to be home — for her sake.