Starting on Reglan…me, not the babies

Due to my lack of milk production (can only pump about .75-1 oz total per session), my Drs. have put me on Reglan. While this is normally used for gastrointestinal purposes, a side effect is the production of prolactin, the hormone that induces the creation of milk.

Apparently, the Fenugreek is just not quite enough for me.

In addition, I had my 2-week follow-up with my OB. My incision is healing very well and I’m officially given the go-ahead to drive again… Uh, ok. 😉

At the same time, I brought up having a thyroid test to see if that is a cause of any of the problems… hoarse voice and lack of milk. I’ve been doing a lot of Internet research and am finding experiential data to support this as a possibility. My Drs. are going to try and justify the cost of the lab work to insurance, but we may have to pay for the test ($185). If it comes out negative, it’s just one thing ruled out and I’ll be happier knowing.

Then, if my “normal” voice doesn’t return by the 6week mark, I’ll be headed to an ENT. Oh fun!

These girls better nurse a lot when they come home or we’ll be buying Isomil formula for the next year! Ugh!