Emily passed the car seat test!

Emily had her car seat test last night and sure enough, she passed! Abby did too and I’d gotten to see her for 1/2 and hour while she was sitting in the car seat. Didn’t get to see Em, but I bet it was funny given her minute size!

No spells so far today (more prayers that this continues, please!). That puts us at 4 days now. Plans are definately in the works for us to room-in at the hospital on Monday.

The monitor company (Apria) called to get verbal approval from us for the monitors and confirmed a 12pm education session for us on Monday.

We’ll also have to watch a video on Infant CPR and one on RSV (the respiratory virus). Since both girls are preemies, they *may* be more susceptible. Hopefully though the breastmilk they have been getting will keep them a bit insulated from some of the nasty viruses that will be going around in a few months.

So, we are gearing up for their departure from the hospital. Joseph is going to Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house for the week, so we’ll have some adjustment time. Then, hopefully, when he comes home, we can help him adjust too.