Abby’s prediction

Abby is sitting next to daddy, just munching away on lunch when she starts the following conversation.

Abby: “Dad?” [pause]
Ron: “Yeah?” [munch, munch]
Abby: “When I’m 40 … I predict…” [extended pause with big smile and more munching of chips] “… you’ll be dead.”

Ron and I both burst out laughing.

Ron: “But Grandpa is alive and I’m already 40.”
Aimee: “And Daddy will only be 73 then.”
Abby: “Okay. When I’m 73 … you’ll be dead.”

Continued laughter surrounds us.

Where and why the conversation started, we shall never know.

Later on when we retold said conversation, *I* retold it, Abby stopped me after I repeated the first age with the following:

Abby: “I revised that, Mom. I said when Daddy is 73 he’ll be dead.”

So she’s stickin’ to her guns on this one. 🙂