We have the WEIRDEST conversations…

in my family. Here was ours tonight… while watching COPS (a regular activity in our house), the girls got all whiny upstairs while ‘trying’ to get to sleep. So I stopped our t.v. watching and yelled up to them.

Me: What’s wrong?
Emi: Abby won’t keep the door open and I want the door open but she wants the door closed.
Me: The door to the hallway has to stay open.
Emi: When can we have the door open?
Me: When you’re ten [had to come up with something]
Emi: When we’re ten Grandma’s going to take us to France.
[insert the beginning of my laughter along with Ron and Joseph who are with me]
Emi: When we’re eleven we’re going to go golfing.
[insert more hysterical laughter]
Ron: When I’m 40 I’m going to go to the bathroom.
[insert laughter from ALL members … 1st and 2nd floor]
Joseph: Look! A squirrel.

Totally off topic in a matter of seconds … this is exactly how our conversations go ’round these parts. Regularly. 🙂