All the good news wrapped up in one … post

#1 : I got a job!
After three and a half years on my own, I’m going back to corporate America. I’ll be the Lead Instructional Designer for Expertus, a worldwide company that’s actually rather small (in comparison to what you might think a worldwide company would).

I will still be doing photography and writing though on a much more limited basis, one that suits me, instead of everyone else.

#2 : Ron is going back to school
He starts August 2nd.

Now one might wonder how my going back to work and his starting school is going to work. Well, my job is location friendly, so to speak. I’m going to work part of my day in the office (once they set it up) and part of my day from home. 🙂

For Ron, this is a massive change, but a wonderful one and I’m very excited for him.

#3 : I passed my image review as part of the Certified Professional Photographer testing. This is the HARDEST part of the two-part test. I actually hesitated even starting the process because of this. I had to submit 20 images taken within the last 2 years to SHOW that I know how to control light, manipulate but not overdo, etc. And I PASSED! Now I have to take a 2 hour test which I will be studying for over the coming months. Phew!

#4 : The kids are back in school. Gotta love our track. 🙂

#5 : I finished the 1st draft of my 4th novel yesterday (July 12th) and am 1/3 of the way done on number 5 (though loads of rewrites on that one are needed). Now on to editing. While still not published, I did tweet something a while ago that makes me wonder … if saying it really means it can happen. The tweet went something like this … (in 140 characters of less).

“Wouldn’t it be awesome in 2011 if I had regular income, my CPP and a book deal?”

So far, I’m rolling toward 2 of 3 … let’s see now if I can go for gold. 🙂