Recital Time!

The girls were a part of their very first recital today! They were the tiniest of all the dancers and drew an audible “awe” from the crowd as the five of them walked out onto the stage. Their first dance was “Over the Rainbow” to which they danced ballet. Their second dance, also drew the “awe” from the audience and it was “Workin’ 9 to 5” to which they danced tap.

In both, they were just as cute as could be and did an amazing job for first timers!

I was in the back with them getting them ready, then had to leave to go find my own seat. Went back to help them change and back to find my seat. Back to get them so they could watch some and back to get them ready for the finale. It was a whirlwind of movement both on stage and behind as dancers rushed to get ready for their next dances. Amazingly, at least to the uneducated eye, it went off without a hitch and the show was quick and on-time. Only 1.5 hours from start to finish with a fantastic grand finale!

So here is a play by play in pictures!

Abby looking worried before her first dance.

Emi being silly. She was a ham throughout. Where Abs was nervous, she was ready to go. She knew her dance too — from start to finish — all the moves.

All the girls in their class looking at themselves in the mirror. 🙂 Silliness amidst the controlled chaos.

Abby’s curls compliments of Aunt Stephie.

Walking out onto the stage for the very first time! They are the back two — smooshed together.


They are SO little on that huge stage!



All set for dance #2!

Here they come! Another “awe” from the crowd!

See how small they are?
small on stage

on stage

shaking head



Grand Finale Group — before the littlest come out for their bow.
grand finale

Ours doing their bow!
littlest bows

The end!

Oh, actually there are TONS more photos in the GALLERY!