I almost hung the neighbor’s dog. :(

So I pull into the drive way and hit the garage door opener button in my car. You have to hold it for a while as it doesn’t reach very well. In doing so, the garage door does finally start to go up … but on this particular day … so did a little dog!

Apparently the neighbor girl tied her dog’s leash to our garage door while she was over hanging out with Joseph and Spencer. I open the door and up goes the door. 🙁

Joseph and Spencer start yelling (dog is still going up!) and then they brace the dog to prevent him from actually being hung.

I started fighting with the button to get it to stop and near the top, it did finally stop, the boys got the dog off the leash and the leash stayed attached to the door until I dropped it back down.


First, I felt HORRIBLE!

Second … stupid kids!! What were they thinking!!??? Geez!