Catching up on our “Smartness” test :)

We spent some time at lunch yesterday going through our Our you Smarter than a fifth grader questions. Turns out Joseph is still not smarter than a 5th grader despite being IN the 6th grade. 😉 But then again, neither am I or Ron. 🙂

Tally from this round out of : 81 questions

Aimee : 60 correct giving me a 74% (C)
Ron : 57 correct giving Ron a 70% (C)
Joseph : 31 correct giving Joseph a 38% (F)

Now for some funnies. As we were catching up (which we didn’t complete) there were a few questions that made us all laugh. Maybe you had to be there, but I’m going to retell the stories here …

Grade 1 Visual Arts : What are the three primary colors?

Joseph : (Said with excitement!) “Red, White and Blue!”

We think we should submit him for a spot on the Colbert Report with that answer!

Grade 3 Astronomy : On which planet would a person weight the most?

Joseph : “Depends on how fat he is!”

Grade 1 Health : Rice is what type of food? A) a fruit, B) a grain, C) a vegetable.

Answer : Grain (of course) to which Joseph said …

“But Mishal (his friend) is a vegetarian and he eats rice! It’s got to be a vegetable!”

Grade 5 World History : Who was the youngest daughter of England’s King Henry XIII?

Aimee (done in my head — has to be the one the QEII is named after — Elizabeth)
Ron (said outloud) : “I go with Queen Elizabeth the II … no, just Queen Elizabeth since I don’t know if she was II.”
Joseph : “Yeah, what he said.”

Answer: Elizabeth I to which we all decided we were all right!

Grade 4 US History : Whose house appears on teh back of the US nickel?

Aimee : Jefferson (though I debated between Monticello and George Washington’s home)
Ron : “The Presidents” to which I responded if it’s not the White House, you get that wrong.
Joseph : Roosevelt (sometimes his answers were just comical.

The answer is Monticello — which is Jefferson’s home.

Then, we picked up a nickel and guess what? The new nickel does NOT have his home on it! D’oh!