2 Year Checkup

The girls turned 2 and today had their 2 year checkup! It was a great appointment. They were incredibly cooperative, showed Dr. Todd their teeth, let her check their ears, giggled at the stethoscope on their bellies. They are doing wonderfully developmentally. Dr. Todd asked Abby if she would go potty ON the potty and Abby said yes. Ha! This morning, they both woke up DRY! No pee’d beds or anything. Put Emily on the potty and she did the usualy “psssssssssst .. .done” with a big grin. 🙂

Emi’s hair seems to be filling in a LITTLE — at least in the area where she pulled it out first. The back is still pretty limp. 🙁 If you tell her ‘no hair’, she’ll pull harder and delibrately. If you see her playing and say “Emi! Get your shirt!” she’ll stop and look at her shirt and the hand won’t go back up immediately. 🙂

As for physical growth … remember those little 5 pounders? 🙂

Emily is 23.5 lbs and 33.5 inches with a 45.7 cm head circumference! That puts her in the 10th, 50th and 10th percentiles respectively.

Abby is 24.5 lbs and 34 inches with a 46 cm head circumference. That puts her in the 20th, 50th and 12th percentile respectively.

Tall, skinny girls.

If the old wive’s tale holds true, by doubling their height at age 2, we’ll know how tall they will be when they are grown up. So E&A will be approximately 5’8″ — that’s 2 inches taller than me! Yikes! 🙂