First dentist visit

The girls had their very first visit to the dentist today. It was quite confusing because they had us down for two separate appointments, despite my having discussed that the girls would be together. I think, now that I think about it, it was right, but they didn’t explain it very well. In any case, out 10:20 am appointment lasted to nearly noon!

The girls spent a solid 20 minutes in the room just hanging out. They climbed on the chair, played with the trash can, looked at the light — just in general checked out the room. They each picked their own new toothbrush — Rella for Emily (Cindarella that is) and Ariel for Abby. A bit later the hygenist brought them “goodie bags” with an hourglass timer and a princess flosser. 🙂

Dr. Brooks came in a bit later and checked out Abby first. She sat in my lap and leaned back into Dr. Brooks’ lap, but was NOT a happy camper. She cried with big ole crocodile tears, but that gave Dr. Brooks a good look into her mouth and at her teeth. She did a great job. 🙂

Emily sat the same way, but fought the leaning back even moreso than Abby. Dr. Brooks noted that the skin that attaches the lip to the gums was a bit more prevalent that Abby’s but not badly — just as a note.

He said both looked good teeth-wise, was glad to hear Joseph managed to get the crown tooth out and said things were good for another year for the munchkins. 🙂

When they are closer to three, they’ll get an actual cleaning. ha ha ha! 🙂

As we left, the girls were allowed to pick a toy and sticker. Emily tried to grab as many toys as possible. 🙂 Quite funny. But, they both picked a plastic duck and sticker and were set to go.