More EOG

Joseph has completed all the language/english parts of the EOG.

In the last month, we kicked it into gear on Capitalization and Punctuation. Out of 15 capitalization questions, he missed 1! Woohoo!

Out of the 5 punctuation ones, he missed 0! Yep! 100% correct!

Then, on to word usage. He did just as he has all the rest of the sections… around 65% correct. He’s been very very consistent in this number… ranging from 55% to 67% in most cases.

After he finished that section, where he had to select the sentense that had a word used improperly, such as “We had just went to the party.” He would have selected that one. I was being goofy and said something to the effect of “Joseph, you done did a good job on your test” and he responded “Mom, it’s you did a good job.” 😉 Made me laugh out loud!

What a sense of humor!