Very sad dinner. :(

We went to our local fried seafood place tonight — Ocean Stars. We’ve eaten there for years now and have come to “know” the owners and their daughters. We don’t *really* know them, but know them when we are there… they always talk with us, talk to Joseph, are extra sweet to him, etc. It’s just the most friendly place.

As soon as the girls were given the “all clear” to go out in public, we went there to show them off… of course we’d eaten there several times during my pregnancy and they knew the twins were coming, etc.

Anyway… we obviously haven’t been there in a few weeks and decided to go tonight. As we walked in there was a memorial sign in their lobby for Angelina (I think that’s her name). They are a greek family, though the the girls were US American through and through. Anyway, the sign read, in memory and love of and Ron and I thought… “Oh my, one of the sisters has died.”

Well, sure enough, that is the case. 🙁 The smiley one… the one that always talked with Joseph and oohed and aahed over the twins was in a single-car wreck while in Greece about 2 weeks ago. We all felt horrible through dinner. 🙁 We really did like these people and to have to go through this broke our hearts.

We signed their guest book (well, I did) and put all our names on it, so hopefully they’ll know who we are. She was young, too…. early twenties. There is a picture of her in her cap and gown on their register counter from just within the last couple of years. I’m just so sad for them. 🙁