2nd Grade EOG – section 1 Vocabulary

I don’t know what I am going to do. I just scored Joseph’s Vocabulary section for his EOG. He scored 19 correct out of 31 questions. That’s equivalent to 61% or a D- which is NOT(!) passing and I’m sure will prevent him from going to 3rd grade.

I looked at each and every question and some were difficult, but I would have expected him to know them. He’s such a bright kid, but when it comes to school, he just seems to hate it so much.

Homeschooling has been such a failure, in my opinion. I really thought it would be best for him, and I believe it has been, from a social-development perspective, but not educationally. So many hind-sight 20/20s.

At this rate, he’s not going to pass his EOG and I don’t know what that will mean. I guess doing 2nd grade over in the public school. I just don’t understand why a kid with two bright parents has so much trouble in school. Talk about feeling awful for your kid.

I know my parents pushed me and I excelled. But, I was super-motivated. People say high school was easy, but it wasn’t for me. It was HARD! I studied all the time. Same in college. I was on the high-average side for grades but had to work really hard for it. Ron, on the other hand, seemed to breeze through everything without nearly the amount of effort… and often got higher grades. Seems Joseph has gotten the worst of both of us there… can’t breeze through and doesn’t like to work hard. 😉

He has 6-7 more sections (we’re just doing one at a time) so I guess other sections could prove easier, but I have my doubts. What a parental failure (at least on my part). 🙁