Joseph is a true Bickers

Joseph was working on commas around nonessential information. I was explaining to him that you put commas around information in a sentence that is just not important… it doesn’t alter the meaning of the sentece.

My example was, “Joseph is wearing his, white club riot, t-shirt.” The not important parts are white and club riot, right? well, I said “Joseph, what’s not importat?” He said “white”. I said right, and also “club riot” and his immediate response was “Mom! You think Club Riot isn’t important?”

[Club Riot is the kids program at church, by the way.]

Now, he said this with a big goofy grin on his face which means, 1) he was being sarcastic and knew it, 2) he understood that it wasn’t important in context and 3) he’s exactly like his father and grandfather (Bickers side). He pulled out the one thing in the sentence that was not meant to be funny and played it back on me.

Ron didn’t hear the conversation at the time, but as soon as it was over, I got his attention and relayed it to him (with Joseph standing there) and his response was exactly as I thought it would be… Joseph is a true Bickers. 🙂