Gee wiz, Joseph

2nd coat of the sealant stuff went on the hardwoods today. Ron decided they would just stay home during the day and go around the house in through the garage, jump over the hardwoods between the garage and stairs in order to get to the bathroom. Yes… each and every time.

Apparently, though, Joseph forgot at one point and took 1 and a half steps onto the wet hardwoods and made 1 and a half footprints. Ron noticed it and asked Joseph.

HE LIED ABOUT IT! I don’t know what we’re going to do with this boy. The evidence was plain as day. He denied ever having walked on the floor. He denied it even when Ron showed it to him. Then, he says “Oh, yeah, I did.” Uh… duh!

We still haven’t figured out what punishment to dole out. Let’s see… uh… you can’t walk on the hardwoods for a week? LOL. I don’t think so.

Luckily, since we have one more sanding/buffing/finishing phase to go through on Friday, the footprint will go away. But, we were told that if one was made after this last pass, it’ll be permanent. D’oh! Ron said he’s going to pack up and haul the kids out as soon as they are done so as not to risk it.