Follow the leader

This was so incredible today.

Right before my parents arrived to help babysit while Ron and I continued to work on the construction, Abby and Emily were crawling around the kitchen together. Abby was leading and Emi was following.

I was watching because I could have sworn they were really following each other. And, I was right!

Abby crawled from the tupperware cabinet to the foyer hallway and looked back at Emi and did her wave as if to say “come on!”. Then, Emi followed.

They then crawled from the foyer back into the family room, around the coffee table, over to their yellow exersaucer. Abby stood up to play and Emi stood up to play.

Then, they crawled from there back into the foyer, Abby leading the way the whole time. Of course, through the whole thing, they were jabbering and gabbing to each other.

Mom and Dad walked in to them sitting on the floor in the foyer. Of course, the moment strangers walk in, they stop, but it was too cute not to want to remember!