Hardwoods are selected!

Daniel Lee of Lee’s Hardwoods came out to discuss the floor with us this morning. We’ve been having a tough time deciding on the final floor to pick. In the end, we picked the one I had initially picked and then wavered on.

We’re getting 3 1/4″ White Oak floors that will be stained natural and/or a 1/2 golden oak color. They’ll do the stain test once the floors are in.

We also decided to get flush fitting vent covers that match the floor exactly. They are custom made and stained along with the floor. It is going to be NICE(!).

Daniel tested the moisture level of the floor and with the exception of the area that I bleached again this morning, it comes between 10-12%. Some readings were 44, 21 and 25, but then 6″ over they were 8, 9, or 10, so we know that’s the effect of the moisture from the bleach.

He also said that the black spots on the floor are from wet felt paper that was under the hardwoods that then ripped as it was removed. Despite our not having seen it when it was ripped up, he assures us it was there.

He also suggested KILZ for that area and the studs, just to be sure, so I’m going to get that tonight.

So, now, we’ve got to get the wall back up and schedule the floors to be put down! Woohoo!