Happy Mother’s Day!

Today is Mother’s Day. It’s my 8th as Joseph’s mom and my 1st as a twin mom. Our church gave each Mom a rose and we had a yummy lunch at Cracker Barrel. 🙂

While the food was wonderful (as usual) the wait staff was royally annoying. I’d swear their entire staff came up to talk with us about the twins.

One “stranger” actually asked if he could come up and talk to them. It was an older gentleman. He was very sweet and we had a nice 5 minute chat with him. Talk about being a freak show.

The rest of our day was spent shopping for an electric screwdriver, because I threw out the one that didn’t work, because it had no charged batteries, because the charger melted oh, let’s see… 6+ months ago?!?! Of course, you’d think, after that long, it would mean it wasn’t worth anything anymore, but NO(!) All the sudden, Ron has access to a new charger by a fluke and the not-used-for-6-months-screwdriver is somewhere in the Wake Country landfill.

So, anyway, we set about trying to find a replacement and it looks like eBay might be our best bet. He doesn’t like any of the new ones.

Needless to say, with all this running around (which was my choice, btw) the girls barely napped and Joseph was “bored” so we headed home and spent the rest of the afternoon/evening doing whatever.

I did get new dishes and 16oz glasses though, which was nice. We’ve been in desparate need as ours have been cracking, breaking and in general falling apart for months now. 😉