Hardwoods are gone

They ripped out the hardwood floors today. A group of mexicans came and didn’t even know what they were supposed to do. Thank goodness we’re a bilingual household with Spanish as our 2nd language. Ron was able to direct them.

In any case, Joseph apparently had a lot of fun, too. He helped them clean up and clean out. They were also kind enough to take all the trash from our demolition this weekend, so we didn’t have to make a trip to the dump or hire someone to come get it!

Their floorboards guy came by too and tested the floorboards for moisture. They came out at 14% which is about 4% higher than they’d like. So, with 4-5 days of dry-time they should dry well enough to put new floors down.

The area that was the most water-damaged looks bad, but apparently isn’t. Jeremy, the floor guy, told me on the phone that it did not need to be replaced… just needed to dry some.

I told him I thought I saw mold, but he indicated he did not see any. He suggested I take straight bleach (already read about this before) and spray it everywhere I see mold and that will kill it and the wood will soak up the bleach and dry out with no lasting effects except to get rid of the mold.

So, I bought bleach and tomorrow I’ll spray. According to Jeremy that process will take about a day, so in a week, he can come back and test the moisture level again. Granted, we have to get the wall back up before he can put the floor in.

And, Ron’s not keen on the wood, so we’re going back to Lee’s to look at other wood this weekend.