Zoom zoom zoom!

When Joseph turned 1 year old, we bought him a little sit-on wagon thing. It’s not really a wagon, but it has a seat and a handle and he could pull it or sit on it and be pushed or pulled around.

I pulled that out for the girls during their sick-time and they love it! Of course, they have to share as we only have one. 😉

I put Abby on it and lifted the handle and said “Hang on!” and she does and smiles and giggles with delight while I push her back and forth in a space of about 4 feet.

Put Em on it and say “Hang on!” and she will for a little bit then gets “daring” and lets go, all the while, smiling and giggling with delight too as she’s pushed back and forth in that same 4 foot space.

It is the CUTEST(!) thing. 🙂