Abby is sick, I’m sure Em will get it…

Emily woke up at 3:30am (this morning) and while nursing, I hear this retching sound. Sure enough, Abby is throwing up! Ron and I got her out of bed and she’s covered… so into the bathtub. She was shivering the whole time. Poor baby. 🙁

We get her cleaned up and we’re trying to decide if it was a one-time fluke (like a reflux gag or something) or if she’s sick, when up comes more. Oddly, it was all liquid. I would have expected to see dinner, but didn’t really.

In any case, I ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor with Abby because every 20 minutes or so, more came up. Dry heaves in a baby is not pretty.

She finally nursed at 8:30am this morning only to have it all come back up, too. 🙁

I can see it now… Abby will get better today/tomorrow… then Em will get it… then I’ll get it. Ugh. I am not looking forward to another sleepless night.