I was “mean”… and they slept!

There is a term used in baby-world called CIO… Cry It Out.

I don’t believe in it. I don’t believe that a 2 month old (or 4 or 6 month old even) should be left in their crib to “cry it out” so they will learn to fall asleep on their own. I just don’t believe that it’s healthy, that it works long-term and that it’s worth it. I believe that this is the ONLY time in life where I can really cuddle a baby to sleep and the baby can be cuddled to sleep.

However, my girls are nearly 10 months old and are not nursing to sleep as well as they used to. When they nurse and start to get up, I put them in their room, in their cribs and generally they start squaking and I go get them, nurse them again and they fall asleep.

However, tonight, they nursed, they tried to get up, I put them in their room, they cried and I went to clean some stuff up… 5 minutes worth … and they started to calm down. 10 minutes later, not a peep out of them. I got Ron to go check on them and both were fast asleep… on their bellies, just like there’d never been an issue.

They stayed that way until 1:00 am ish, when both woke up and ate and went back to sleep. Abby (or maybe Em… can’t remember) woke again and fell back to sleep on her own about 45 minutes later. Wow!