First SpahgettiO’s!

I’ve been waiting for this day for a looooong time. Since they girls had such problems with texture, I didn’t even want to try noodles. But, they have been doing so well with Cheerios that I could resist taking the plunge and letting them try their hands at SpaghettiO’s.

Of course, that is one dinner that you must prepare for… the cleanup that is. 😉

Here is Emi starting out…

And here is Abby…

Em a bit later into the “meal”

Both girls even later into it.

And the grande finale…



They ate pretty much the entire container… except for those that fell on the chair, floor or into their jammies. I had to run, drain and refill the water in the tub so I could really clean them, too.

They had such a blast with it that we even got them on video being goofy!