Cool Joseph video – TaeKwonDo Staff routine

Ron got a couple of the videos of Joseph at the tournament off the camera and onto our website. The tournament was August 21st, btw.

First… the staff.
It was in this competition that Joseph won 1st place. This was his routine. He made the entire thing up with some help from Mr. Hass, myself and Mr. Changho over the course of a couple of months. It’s about 20 moves and lasts about 30 seconds. He didn’t miss a beat and remembered the entire thing.

There is one move, called the throw. This was the only one I was nervous about. He takes the staff and “shoots” it outward and catches it at the end with the other hand. During practice, the day before tournament, he kept shooting it too hard and missing the catch! But, when it counted the most, he got it!

Joseph Staff