First church visit

We took the girls to church (Brooks Avenue) for the first time today. They were greeted by lots of folks wanting a quick peak at them. They both managed to sleep through the entire service (10:30 am until 11:30 am) plus the after-time of talking, etc. but by 11:50/12:00 pm, Emily was “starving” and letting us know it!

They were quite cute, too, all dressed in their Baby Gap overall tan jumpers that I had them in when Grandma and family visited last week (but in which Emily blew out her diaper and I had to take the outfit off!).

Afterward, we went to Ocean Stars (seafood restaurant) hoping to show them off to the owners, but they didn’t see us. We’ll just have to make another trip some time! 😉

Ooh! Then, we went to BJs to get “stuff” that we needed and we got lots of oohs and ahhs from passersby wondering if the girls were twins, girls/boys, how old, etc. It’s pretty neat to overhear people as they stare/gape at the girls without actually talking with us! 🙂