Our first dinner out!

Woohoo! We ate out tonight! Granted, we’ve eaten out at Wendy’s, KFC and other fast food, simply by driving through and bringing it home, but this was an all-out, sit-down dinner at a real restaurant! Cracker Barrell, no less!

First, I must say, it was yummy! Chicken-fried-Chicken, mashed potatoes with white gravy, green beans and corn, biscuits and apple butter. Oh, and sweet tea! Mmmmm… shared with Joseph (1/2 and 1/2) just as we always do, so it wasn’t a problem at all to finish/clean my plate!

The company was wonderful too! All the visitors from today went. We were a party of 10 with the girls. It was really cute how they setup the girls, too. They, being the Cracker Barrell staff. We had them in their car seats on these chair things made to hold car seats. We had them facing each other at one end of the table. It was very sweet.

Several people stopped by to ask about them and only 1 got a little too close for comfort. But, in general, people are curious and look from a distance.

The girls STAYED ASLEEP THE WHOLE TIME! 🙂 It was such a lovely dinner. I think the afternoon of being awake and passed from person to person wore them out (yeah!). That gave us a solid hour for eating without interruption! That rarely seems to happen at home. The moment we sit down, the waking up/crying process seems to begin. Tonight was quite nice!

Of course, everyone had to leave to return to Grandma’s house, so we parted ways and said out goodbyes, knowing the next time we all get together, the girls could be walking! (Seattle family reunion in summer 2005!)