Level 4C Pediatrics wing

Pediatrics is a closed wing at WakeMed. That means you have to go through specific elevators to get to it. Then, there is a nurses station for visitors, etc. Our hallway is full of children. Don’t have a clue what everyone is in for, but there is lots of activity. We were put into room 4C18 at the end of the hallway. This is the second time now that we’ve been in the room at the end of the hall. Oh well.

Abby had a HUGS tag added to her leg, as well as a hospital bracelet that fits. When we’d first entered the ER, they gave her a bracelet and the smallest setting was 2-3 times too large! The HUGS tag, btw, is a security bracelet. Can’t take the baby anywhere besides Level 4C or the entire area will lock down.

The room is VERY small in comparison to our Duke Health room. They were nice enough, however, to put us in a room with a bed, in addition to the bassinet and a visitor’s bed. So, Ron and I can both sleep laying down. Emily gets to share with me since there are some rails to keep her from falling off. We tried the car seat idea with no luck.

Now, we wait. We wait for the surgeon to come talk with us. We wait for the IVs to rehydrate her little body. We wait to figure out what to do for dinner, etc. Catherine and Ben were kind enough to come stay with Abby in the room while we went home to get changes of clothing and other various essentials. Obviously, we weren’t quite prepared to stay in the hospital. We figured they’d give her something to go poopie and we’d be sent home.

Oh, and, Abby can’t eat anything. The IVs will be her only source of nutrition until after the surgery. That does not make her a happy camper. For as bad as she feels, she is hungry! Unlike her piggy of a sister, she isn’t usually the one to eat so much, but after 24 hours of no food, you’d be ravenous, too. 🙂