I have ankles again!

Looks like my swelling of the toes/feet/ankles/calves has finally subsided!

When I walked into the hospital on June 11th, the only swollen part about me was my fingers. And, even that wasn’t even too bad. The nurses commented about it, complimenting me on the fact that I was 35weeks with twins and not swollen.

Then, they added, “We’ll take care of that for you!”. And, sure enough, they did. After the surgery (like literally within hours), my feet swelled. And, they’d seemed to stay that way for 2 solid weeks!

It has made walking very tough! When your toes, feet, ankles and calves all work as one, you end up with some very sore muscles because they simply do not bend! Looks like, however, that mine are going to start working independently agin! Yeah!