Nursing Update

After working with Tina (Lactaion Consultant) yesterday and getting both girls to nurse again last night, I worked with her again today during Abby’s feed and both are now champion nursers!

They did SO well, that they weren’t even offered supplemental bottles at their 11am feeding. At their 2pm feeding, we did offer them to see how much they would take.

Abby stopped at 10cc and Emily chugged 20cc (before I made her stop to take a breath) and afterward, she refused anymore.

Both girls make an “I’m done face” which is quite adorable. It looks much like a face one would make it they had just eaten something horribly disgusting!

This is a big step in getting to go home!! Breastfed babies tend not to have as many saturation or apnea type issues, so the more we can nurse, the better chance we have of getting home soon!