Daily Update – Emily & Abby

Both girls weighed in at their birth weights again! 4lbs 12oz and 5lbs 12oz! That was a gain of several ounces in one night for each. Growth spurt perhaps?

Emily was the only one to throw us back to point 0 again… she had a “spell” sometime in the wee hours of the night. If it’s not one of them, it’s the other!

Abby became the “champion nurser” today, latching and nursing for a total of 12 minutes. Granted, afterward, she would not get back on and we went to the bottle, but, heh, this was her first real success! Go Abby!

Oh… both girls had their hearing tests today, too. They both passed! Yeah! Not that we didn’t expect it. They startle with some of the beeps and sounds coming from other monitors (or their own) in the NICU.

Bonnie, their favorite nurse, said that she had a time getting them attached to the machine as while working with one, the other would pull off the attachments. Oh the joy of twins!